
Industrial Designer
US$ 800
Mar 26, 2002

Información del candidato

Ceballos Clemente

Paraná, Entre Ríos

+54 9 343 5008973




Me dirijo a ustedes con entusiasmo a presentarme como diseñador industrial apasionado por la innovación y el desarrollo de soluciones funcionales, considero que mi perfil se alinea con los valores y objetivos de su equipo.

Mi experiencia en investigación, conceptualización y modelado 3D me ha permitido trabajar en proyectos que optimizan procesos y mejoran la experiencia del usuario. En mi trayectoria, he participado en el diseño y prototipado de herramientas para la optimización de siembra y escarificación de semillas, así como en el desarrollo de piezas gráficas para instituciones deportivas. Además, mi formación en Fusion 360, SolidWorks y herramientas avanzadas de renderizado me permite abordar proyectos desde un enfoque técnico y creativo.

Me entusiasma la posibilidad de contribuir con mis habilidades y creatividad a la empresa. Agradezco el interés y quedo a disposición para ampliar detalles sobre mi perfil




Licenciatura en Diseño Industrial 2024
Universidad Católica de Santa Fe

Bachelor's Degree in Industrial Design, completed in 2024 at the Catholic University of Santa Fe.

General course on intellectual property 2023
Organizacion mundial de la propiedad intelectual

The General Course on Intellectual Property (DL-101) offered by the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) provides a comprehensive introduction to the fundamental concepts of intellectual property (IP). This online course covers key topics such as copyright, trademarks, patents, industrial designs, geographical indications, and trade secrets, offering an in-depth understanding of their role in innovation and economic development.

Experiencia laboral

Industrial Designer 01/03/2022 - 30/08/2024
Gen Nativo

At Gen Nativo, I played a key role in developing optimization tools for agricultural processes, focusing on the design and manufacturing of innovative products. I led the conceptualization, 3D modeling, rendering, and production of a tool designed to reduce the sowing time of seeds from various species. Additionally, I designed and developed a seed scarification device to enhance the germination process. Both projects were developed with a focus on efficiency and accessibility, which led me to implement 3D printing technologies for the manufacturing of strategic components, reducing costs without compromising functionality. My work combined research, prototype development, and the integration of industrial design solutions to optimize agricultural processes.


Fusion 360


First place in the Social Impact category with the SIGMAFI team 2023
The Latin American Innovation Rally is a competitive event that brings together university students from various countries to tackle real-world challenges through innovative solutions. The competition takes place over 28 consecutive hours, during which teams must develop and present projects that address specific problems related to technology, business, and society. In the Social Impact category, teams focus on creating solutions that generate a positive and measurable effect on communities, improving quality of life, sustainability, and accessibility. The projects are evaluated based on their feasibility, innovation, scalability, and potential social benefit, encouraging participants to apply their knowledge in a way that contributes to meaningful change.