
Front-End Engineer & UX/UI Technical Lead
US$ 3500
Mar 4, 1999

Información del candidato

UX/UI Technical Lead & Front-End Engineer 💻, Graphic & Product Designer 🎨, Development Coach 📚, JavaScript Enthusiast 🌟, Gamer 🎮 and Tattoos Lover ✍

With a solid track record in managing and developing complex projects both on-site and remotely, I am passionate about tackling challenges and finding efficient solutions while prioritizing code and/or design quality. My experience spans from conception to implementation, showcasing skills in leading and optimizing processes to ensure a robust and functional end product. I stand out for my ability to develop responsive web and mobile applications (Android and iOS), design user experience and interfaces, and implement animations and 3D models using various tools.


Tools, frameworks and libraries:
React JS (w/ Redux, Router, Styled Component, Tailwind, Material UI, Sass, Emotion, Three.js, Theatre.js, Axios, GraphQL, Apollo, Jest, React Testing Library, Cypress, React hook form, Formik, Prettier, ESLint …)
Next JS / Nest JS
React Native
Git (w/ Github, GitLab, Bitbucket …)
CLI Tools (Webpack, Vite, Bun …)
Deployment (Heroku, Netlify, Github, Vercel, CI/CD …)
CRMs (Prismic, Hubspot …)
Node JS (w/ Express …)

Adobe XD

Experience working with JSON. Knowledge of REST API and management tools such as Postman.
Agile methodologies (Scrum, Kanban, Design Sprint…)
Programming paradigms (Imperative, Declarative, OOP, Modular, Reactive, Mobile First, One-Way Data Flow, Centralized State Management, Serverless…)
Work management (Trello, Jira, Airtable, Miro, ClickUp, Mailchimp, Google Tools, Slack, Microsoft Teams…)
Documentation (Confluence, Swagger…)
Design methodologies (Design Thinking, Atomic Design, Material Design…)


Técnico Superior Informático 2019
E.E.S.T N°3 (Completed Technical High School)

Completed technical high school with a valid diploma and matriculation. I learned: - Object-Oriented Programming - Web Development - Graphic Design - Hardware maintenance - Database: SQL & No-SQL

User Experience Principles and Processes 2021
University of Michigan

Qualification: 92.93% Certificate: https://www.coursera.org/account/accomplishments/verify/Z7CHZPCGVAWP?utm_product=course Actividades y grupos: Program - What I learned in this course: - What is UX? What are UX Research and Design? - The UX Process - Components of UX - UX Design Overview - Prototypes - Sketching - A Brief Incomplete History of UX - How Do People Perceive Information? - Visual Perception - Memory - Seven Stages of Action - Gulfs of Execution and Evaluation - Design Principles - Heuristics for Design - Heuristic EvaluationActividades y grupos: Program - What I learned in this course: - What is UX? What are UX Research and Design? - The UX Process - Components of UX - UX Design Overview - Prototypes - Sketching - A Brief Incomplete History of UX - How Do People Perceive Information? - Visual Perception - Memory - Seven Stages of Action - Gulfs of Execution and Evaluation - Design Principles - Heuristics for Design - Heuristic Evaluation… ver más This UX course provides me an introduction to the fields of UX research and design. Understand what is involved in UX research, including conducting interviews, evaluating systems, and analyzing systems using principles of good design. I learned about the work involved in UX Design, including the generation of promising design solutions and the creation of prototypes at multiple levels of fidelity. By interleaving successive phases of UX Research and Design, i did see how to learn from inevitable mistakes and improve towards a product with a great UX. I learned: - The skills needed for UX research and design - How discover and assess user needs and assess possible designs - How to conduct a usability test - How use sketching and prototyping to develop design concepts - How to incorporate a user-centered focus into the design process - Techniques for critiquing and designing interactive systems based on human capabilities and behavior

Experiencia laboral

UX/UI Technical Lead & Front-End Engineer 2019

Avalith is an Argentine company specialized in technology and software development, dedicated to providing digital solutions and consulting services to companies in various industries. The company has offices in the United States, Spain, Ecuador, and Argentina. During my time at Avalith, I have collaborated with diverse multicultural and multidisciplinary teams, both in-person and remotely. In this context, I have participated in various activities and projects, taking on key responsibilities that include: Technical Leadership: Guiding and leading technical teams in the implementation of solutions, promoting the use of best practices, and ensuring a professional and collaborative environment for effective execution aligned with client objectives at all project stages. Front-End Development: Involvement in projects for responsive web and mobile applications for various companies, spanning from e-commerce to financial applications, dashboards, landings, and other platforms and services. UX/UI Design: Developing responsive designs for various applications, contributing to the definition and continuous improvement of the user experience through analysis, heuristic evaluation, usability testing, and the implementation of intuitive and user-centric solutions. Also, participating in brand design projects and creating visual identities in collaboration with the marketing team. Training and Development: Facilitating the training and development of team members, sharing technical knowledge, and fostering a continuous learning environment by conducting workshops, classes, and coaching. Talent Selection: Actively participating as a technical interviewer in the selection processes, evaluating candidates from various parts of the world, such as Brazil, Ecuador, Argentina, Chile, the United States, among others.



Technical leadership


Thanks for UX/UI training 2022
Source: https://www.linkedin.com/feed/update/urn:li:activity:6922589096494137344/ Words from Felipe: This week I finished my #frontend and user experience course with a presentation of my project built with #React. Before taking this course, I knew almost nothing about frontend, and my knowledge of #UX was very intuitive. But thanks to Nicolas Baez, now I have the basic concepts very clear! I want to thank again the management of #Avalith, DM Pablo Garcia, and CTO José Bergues for providing me with these opportunities for continuous professional training, and to my colleague and teacher Nico for explaining everything very well and in detail: from semantic HTML and CSS to best practices in React and Nielsen's 10 heuristics.
#GoingAboveAndBeyond 2021
Publicated by José Bergues - CTO at Avalith Source: https://www.linkedin.com/posts/bergues_kudos-goingaboveandbeyond-activity-6759163733940985856-jvGv Nicolas Baez #Kudos The pride you take in your work is truly inspiring #GoingAboveAndBeyond
Most creative employee 2020
Source: https://www.linkedin.com/posts/nicolas-baez-4380151a1_teamavalith-emplemaerscreativo-activity-6737105139385024513-hndT Among all the #TeamAvalith, we chose the #MostCreativeEmployee👏 Congratulations Nico, for your strong motivation in every project, your intense curiosity, and positive attitude. Let's go for more!💪
Congratulations on a new position 2022
Source: https://www.linkedin.com/posts/avalith-net_avalith-avalither-growwithus-activity-6919644603692281856-9J0I?utm_source=share&utm_medium=member_desktop At Avalith, we foster the personal and professional growth of each collaborator. Today, we are proud to announce that Nicolas Baez is taking on the role of Tech Lead UI/UX. We work as a team, encouraging the personal and professional growth of every Avalither. #Avalith #Avalither #GrowWithUs