Información del candidato
●Desarrollador de software entusiasta y experimentado con un dominio competente de las tecnologías .NET, con cinco años de experiencia práctica Full Stack. NET en análisis y desarrollo de aplicaciones, principalmente con C#, Rest API y Blazor Server Side y Web Assembly. ●Mi objetivo es aprovechar mi experiencia y pasión por la innovación para contribuir de manera significativa a los proyectos, impulsando avances tecnológicos y al mismo tiempo perfeccionando mis habilidades en el proceso.
Experiencia laboral
●Development the software Engrama Core and Engrama Tools to make easier the software development. ●Engrama Core -- https://www.nuget.org/packages/EngramaCore/2.3.3 ●Engrama -- https://engrama.dev/ Cratered software by other companies using Engrama. ●Ticket Seller by Music company oBlazor web Assembly .NET 9 oSQL serve 2022 oAPIRest .NET ●Administration system by Insure compay oBlazor Server Side .NET 8 oSQL Server 2022 ●Analyze PDF IA by Insure compay oBlazor Server Side .NET 8 oExternal IA API oTest Analyze PDF
●Development Vehicle register of the state of Puebla. ●Blazor Server Side (.NET core 3.1 and migrate at .NET 6) ●Design and development of Database SQL Server 2016 ●Design and Development of Fotomultas App ●Blazor Web Assembly (.NET 7) ●Design and Development of Database SQL Server 2016 ●Worked with REST API Web Services. ●Create and maintain databases with client related information. ●Analysis of requirements on client Backlog. ●Design and Development of Captaciones ANPR Application ●Blazor Web Assembly (.NET 7) ●Design and Development of Database SQL Server 2016 ●Create and maintain web services with .NET Core using C# programming language. ●Maintain databases with client related information. ●Review and design client applications, code best practices and stand.