
midia buyer
US$ 40
Feb 23, 2025

Información del candidato


Pos graduation 2009


Experiencia laboral

SENIOR BUYER 06/03/2019 - 12/01/2021

06/2019 – 12/21 : Tupy SA - Senior Buyer – Direct Purchases : Responsible of global negotiating for Raw Materials such as Silica Sand, Resins, Catalysts, Paints, Bentonite, Chromite and other Sand Additives, Machery Accessories, for Tupy's units around the world, and ensuring the reliability and competitiveness to inputs, using up-to-date market data to support sourcing decisions. Monitoring supply chain, from acquisition to delivery material. Responsible for developing new suppliers and reducing acquisition costs and managing supply contracts and negotiating price adjustments. Opening and monitoring the purchasing process and project development (price analysis, cost and supplier qualification, market research, inclusion and approval inputs and issuance purchase orders through SAP system).

indirect buyer 06/03/2013 - 06/03/2019
volkswagen truck and bus

Volkswagen Caminhões - MAN - Buyer – Indirect Purchases: Responsible to buy Fuels, Lubricants, Maintenance, Electrical parts and Released Material (stock material) and negotiating parts such as Welding arm, PLC, tools, bearings, raw materials (steel, profiles, bars, etc), frame line automation, pumps , belts, chains, packaging in general, fuels, lubricants, among others, ensuring the reliability and competitiveness of the items. Negotiation with national and international suppliers; monitoring supply chain; opening and monitoring of the purchasing process (price analysis, competition, market research, inclusion and approval purchase orders through SAP system). Buyer – Direct Purchases (since 07/2013 until 02/2014): Electrical Parts. Responsible for negotiating electrical parts such as lighting system (headlight, flashlight, indicator light, blinkers, etc), window cleaner system, electric trio, air conditioning, horn, antenna, door lock, cylinders, condensers, compressors , valves, relays, SmartRatio module, ensuring the reliability and competitiveness of the items. Negotiation with national and international suppliers using up-to-date market data to support sourcing decisions. Monitoring purchasing process (price analysis, competition, market research, and approval purchase order through SAP system).Develop new suppliers and monitoring of the entire production of supply chain.

buyer 01/03/2011 - 06/03/2013

Votorantim Metais. Buyer – Direct Purchases : Raw Material (Solid Fuel) Responsible to negotiating solid fuel for all Votorantim units and ensuring the reliability and competitiveness inputs and raw materials, using up-to-date market data to support supply decisions, also responsible for purchasing Raw Materials such as: Pyrite , Limestone, Sand, LPG Gas and Lubricants. Monitoring supply chain, since acquisition until delivery material, including inventory management and monitoring input consumption. Responsible for develop new suppliers and reducing acquisition costs and managing supply contracts. Monitoring purchasing process (price analysis, cost and supplier qualification, market research, and approval purchase orders through SAP system).

buyer 05/01/2007 - 01/03/2011

Volkswagen do Brasil. Buyer - Direct Purchases – Metal Parts I had the opportunity to work in Germany, presenting the purchasing processes for international committee approval (Volkswagen group); Scouting Analyst: responsible for develop and new international suppliers. Forward Sourcing and Global Sourcing Analyst: new and current parts (follow up of national and international suppliers, and monitoring purchasing processes, price analysis, cost and supplier qualification, market research, inclusion and approval inputs and issuance purchase orders through SAP system.

buyer 03/01/2005 - 05/01/2007

Buyer – Indirect Purchases. Responsible for purchasing office material, cleaning material and IT supplies; SAP System Administration - purchase order, requisition; Supply Manager Assistant and support to the Foreign Trade department. Direct contact with international suppliers